Web Development Essential Concepts

  1. Working principle of internet
  2. What is Https
  3. IP adress
  4. World Wide Web
  5. URL
  6. Hardware
  7. Software
  8. Web Browsers
  9. Web Servers
  10. Domains and DNS
  11. Html
  12. Css (optionally css frameworks)
  13. JavaScript (optionally js frontend frameworks and libraries)
  14. Links
  15. Accessibility
  16. Browser Events and APIs
  17. NodeJS
  18. NPM
  19. Error status codes
  20. SEO
  21. Website Optimization
  22. Cloud Hosting
  23. Web Security
  24. Site Maintenance
Web Dev is a tricky skill to learn and one may never be able to fully learn it. But learning these concepts will at the very least get you started on the right track.


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